Upcoming coaching courses

Foundation Award (Level 1) for Assistant Coaches in Badminton – Tyneside Badminton Centre, Newcastle

The Foundation Award is the starting point for people who would like to get into coaching badminton and become a coaching assistant. This course will teach you to: lead fun games, activities and tournaments, understand the badminton landscape and structure in England, support a Level 2 coach in the delivery of sessions, deliver Badminton England programmes such as: No Strings, SmashUp! & Racket Pack Lite, effectively support the development of clubs/sessions and maximise participant experience.

* All learners must be aged 16 or over on the first day of the course.

1st 4sport Certificate for Coaches in Badminton at Level 2 (Club Specialism) – Tyneside Badminton Centre, Newcastle

The Level 2 coaching course provides the opportunity to train to coach independently through a bespoke learning journey, tailored to coaches’ own environments. Formed of a core module and a specialism module where coaches get to choose whether to apply the knowledge and skills learnt to a ‘club’ or ‘talent’ environment, this course allows coaches to focus on their learning needs. 

  • Dates: Saturday 7th January, Sunday 8th January, Saturday 4th February, Sunday 5th February & Sunday 5th March 2023
  • Times: 9am – 5pm on all 5 days
  • Venue: Tyneside Badminton Centre, Bowness Road, Slatyford, Newcastle, NE5 2TA
  • Cost: £390 for Badminton England Coach Members, £400 for Badminton England members & £420 for non-members
  • More information and booking link: https://badmintonengland.justgo.com/workbench/public/Events?ref=3B1D1FB3E08AB8967CD64EAC1179A2B1FF9EF7BA
  • Deadline for booking: Tuesday 20th December 2022

* All learners must be aged 18 or over on the first day of the course.